Our 2021 AGM

The Astley Ainslie Community Trust Annual General Meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st December at Morningside United Church. 15 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh EH10 4DJ (Holy Corner, Bruntsfield). We would like to start promptly at this time so please can we encourage you to arrive a few minutes early.

You must register to attend via Eventbrite using the button below.

Members registering to attend will be prioritised. Associates registering will be on “standby”, and their tickets confirmed by email on the morning of Wednesday 1st December based on available capacity.

The venue is spacious with a capacity for many hundreds, but to ensure your safety has a limit of 70 people. This will help ensure there is plenty of space for those attending to maintain social distancing. We also ask that everyone to take a Lateral Flow Test on the day. Masks are compulsory, and obviously do not attend if you have any COVID symptoms. A Risk Assessment is available below.

Papers for the AGM can be found below.

Our constitution requires a quorum of 10% of the membership, which is around 50 people. We hope to see as many of you at the AGM as possible, to keep this important project moving forward.


  1. Welcome

  2. Apologies for Absence

  3. Approval of the minutes from the 2020 AGM, and Matters Arising

  4. Annual Progress Report on the work of the AACT

  5. Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts

  6. Election of Members of the Executive Committee

  7. Motions for DIscussion

  8. Any Other Business

    The AGM will be followed by a Panel Q&A with the Executive Committee, and a talk by Oliver Chapman, Mike Harrison and Neil Bancroft on the Feasibility Study.


A note of thanks.

AACT and its progress would be impossible without the phenomenal generosity of many people, who have given their services freely to the cause over the last three years. We value your support greatly, and the Executive Committee would like to thank you all for your time, and for your magnificent advice, creativity, and help.

We are impressed and grateful!