Astley Ainslie Community Trust

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AACT becomes a charity

Great news - we are now officially a charity! At the AACT AGM members voted to formally launch the AACT Scottish Incorporated Charity Organisation, allowing us to:

  • have a louder voice to represent the community's wishes

  • have broader recognition and validation of our goals

  • have greater access to funding to react to future site plans

Thank you to everyone involved - you’ve taken important action to allow us to continue the work we do.

Members also voted in 6 Charity Trustees:

  • Elizabeth Brough

  • Stuart Buchanan

  • Maggie Carson

  • Rebecca Hackett

  • Mike Hall

  • Sara Stevenson

Congrats to them and good luck in their new roles.

Want to learn more about our activities over the past year and missed the AGM? Pop over and view the papers.

Reference number SCO51602